We've rounded up some inspiring PTA purchases from other school fundraising committees - there are some great ideas here to take along to your next me...
We love checking out your fab examples of PTA summer fairs and FUNdraising ideas, so we can share them with our audience of school PTA volunteers to i...
Here’s a look at what some PTAs got up to in summer 2018, maybe you could try some of these ideas too for your PTA summer fair! [Originally published...
It’s been another busy summer for PTAs across the country, and hopefully, the warm weather has brought out the crowds (and the cash!) to your event th...
Many PTAs start their planning and preparation during the spring. We’ve put together this blog post to give you some ideas and help make your school s...
It’s been another busy summer for PTAs across the country, and hopefully the warm weather has brought out the crowds (and the cash!) to your event thi...
Inspired by National Careers Week, we have listed some great ways we school parents can promote career choices to our children, and inspire and motiva...