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Inspiring Ideas for PTA Purchases

UK Blogs 3 min read

As you compile your schedule of brilliant fundraising events for the school year, you'll need to think about what purchases will be of most benefit to your school. Sure, some schools will have a raft of things in mind, like brand new tablets or laptops, or some new playground equipment.

But if you're looking for something a little out of the ordinary, we've rounded up some inspiring PTA purchases from other school fundraising committees - there are some great ideas here to take along to your next meeting!

This primary school in Birmingham now have their very own mini golf course on site, thanks to PTFA funds and a talented Assistant Site Supervisor! So far it has been used for PE and maths lessons - what a great outdoor space :)

The PTA at this school in Oxfordshire fundraised for two years so they could build a brand new school library - we think it looks ace, even before the books are in!

Priorsford Primary in Peebles has lots of new equipment in this fantastic "imagination station" - wonder how many magic potions have been made so far this term?!

It's always nice to start a new school year with some colourful new playground markings, like these ones at Gillespie Primary School in Islington.

Park Mead Primary School PTFA in Cranleigh had a huge surprise for their retiring Head on his last day of term - a brand new school minibus!

PTFA Chair Louise told us, "We managed to raise enough in one year to give the school £12,000 towards this new minibus. With the £4K the school put in we managed to get it just in time for the end of term and we surprised the Head in his last assembly when it pulled up outside the hall and beeped its horn. He was over the moon, as were the rest of the school."

Here's an alternative to funding laptops or tablets - invest in technology for the coders of the future, like Oakham C of E Primary PTA did. They fundraised for STEM kits for the school code club, and even live-streamed a teacher having his beard shaved off to get some extra cash coming in!

Great work PTA :)

St James Infant and Junior School decided to brighten up their dull outdoor classrooms with this amazing mural, painted by a professional artist at a cost of £2k. Doesn't it look fab?

Now this one really blew us away - a beautifully decorated, multi-purpose PTA shed! This is home to KBA Friends in Kettering, who now have a permanent base for selling ice creams, event tickets, uniform stock and anything else they fancy!

They told us, "The shed cost £700 from a local company, who installed the serving hatch for us and erected it. The signage was made with school supplies, painted and put up by parents, the fridge and freezer were donations by another very kind parent! It has transformed our presence within the school :)"

Who's got shed envy?!

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