Whether you're an experienced PTA chair or a new volunteer, planning and hosting successful PTA fundraising events can seem daunting. But with a little bit of organisation and forethought, you can make your event a success!
Here are seven tips to help get you started...
1. Plan ahead - start planning your event at least 3 months in advance
It is never too early to start planning the next big event! It’s a good idea to start as early in advance so that everything can go smoothly. This way there are no last minute emergencies or problems which could have been prevented by planned action from day 1! The more organised you are, the smoother things will go. Have a clear goal in mind and make sure everyone is on the same page.
2. Choose a fun and unique theme that will appeal to your target audience
As a team, brainstorm ideas and select a fundraising event that will appeal to the entire school community. One idea is an “adventure race,” where students compete against each other by completing challenges such as hula hooping or a fun obstacle course; another could be hosting a film night on school campus. These can even be held outdoors for maximum air ventilation.
The main point is that the event should be a lot of fun! The theme can help the school earn money and even attract new students.
3. Recruit volunteers to help with planning and execution
Put it out there that help is needed to plan and execute a successful fundraiser! Look for people who have time, passion and as a bonus, experience in organising events.
It’s best practice to create a list of tasks that needs to be accomplished. You will need hands-on assistance during setup before guests arrive, during the event and after the event for clean up. Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks to avoid overloading yourself or any one person.
4. Keep track of expenses and income so you can stay within your budget
Expenses can include things like food, beverages or materials needed while incomes might be in the form of donations from the school community or local businesses. It’s important to stay within the designated budget when planning a fundraising event. If this doesn't happen, there could be increased expenses or even worse - no money raised at all!
5. Secure sponsorships from local businesses to help offset costs
The good news is, lots of businesses know that it’s a smart idea to sponsor school events by donating money or providing helpful services or items such as food. Not only does this help them with their marketing efforts and increase customer loyalty; it also raises their profile in the local community. Read our blog on Sponsorship Packages for detailed tips on how to put together sponsorship packages that will attract the right sponsors.
6. Have plenty of activities and games for guests to enjoy
Make it fun - people are more likely to participate if they're enjoying themselves. Attendees will feel more welcomed if you provide enough engaging options so that no one gets bored or leaves early.
7. Promote, promote, promote!
Get the word out as much as possible! The more people that know about your event, the better. This means telling family and friends- even if they're not someone who can donate money or time, they can certainly help spread the word. You should also post flyers around school so everyone can have an opportunity to support. Social media is a great platform to use for getting the word out about your event. Post flyers and advertise on sites like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. or wherever you’ll find your local audience.
Planning a fundraising event is no easy task, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. The key to success starts with planning ahead and choosing the right theme for your audience. Follow our seven steps on how to plan an unforgettable event that will stand out from the rest! Which of these steps will you implement into your planning?
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