Whether you're running a Winter Fair or hosting a Parents Night Out, why not get the most out of your community gathering by adding on a few quick, easy, no-risk ideas to incorporate into your next fundraising event.
1. Raffle – Split 50/50
- Get raffle tickets and two boxes – one for the ticket and another for the money
- Sell raffle tickets
- Pick a raffle ticket and give half the money raised from raffle ticket sales to the winner. The other half goes to the school
2. Pick a Number Board
- Determine how many numbers you want to use, let's say 70
- Make a display (i.e. pick a number board) of 70 pieces of paper or envelopes, individually numbered from 1-70
- Display your pick a number board at an event or any high traffic area
- The participant simply picks a number and donates that amount
3. Sell Merchandise
- Get a digital copy of your school's logo
- Upload it to an online custom apparel and accessories website and plop that logo all over t-shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, etc.
- Note the price of the item and determine the sales price
- Aim for items at a variety of price points so all are able to buy something if they'd like
- Sell these items anywhere and anytime there is a crowd – of parents or middle and high school kids who can bring their own money
![t-shirts on hangers](https://images.storychief.com/account_2859/ScreenShot2020-02-08at5_40_28PM_8d20b86b790cdbaf553e48862cfd1625_800.png)
4. Partner with a bar or restaurant
- Work with a local bar or restaurant owner
- Set a date and agree on a plan to share profit
![seats in a restaurant](https://images.storychief.com/account_2859/restaurant_1043d4944f7ea565439d5c0c6ac015e2_800.jpg)
5. Mystery Wine
- Get bottles of wine of various types and values, preferably donated
- Be sure at least one of them is extra special in some way – price point, limited edition, comes with a gift certificate, etc.
- Conceal the wine bottles and neatly display them together
- Sell each bottle of wine for a set amount
6. Penny Drive
- A large bin container
- Put your bin in a high traffic area
- If you’re doing the penny drive at an event, be sure to let everyone know (in advance, multiple times) so they are sure to bring their loose change
![coins falling out of a jar](https://images.storychief.com/account_2859/coins_931559c24ba0cf5af57b8edf03bc615f_800.jpg)
About PlanSocial
PlanSocial curates resources and educational materials for school parents and their families, focusing on everything from educational support for your children, self-development and career re-entry, to home improvement, family well-being and even where to find the best family holidays.