PTA AGM - six little letters that can strike fear into the heart of even dedicated PTA volunteers, let alone newcomers to the school who barely know the teachers names! Well the good news is that #PTAhour returned this week to give fundraisers a helping hand when it comes to organising a successful AGM.
Our fantastic social media followers joined us for an hour of live chat on Facebook and Twitter, and shared some excellent top tips and ideas we think you'll love! Read on to find out what they said....
Increasing attendance
We know some PTAs struggle to get a good turnout at their AGM, but luckily these clever bods have some cool tricks up their sleeves to boost attendance (and hopefully volunteer numbers!)
"We have a cheese and wine night to welcome new parents at the start of the school year. Had around 80 stay after meet the teacher (better to tag on to an event as they were all in the school). We had quite a few of the committee and volunteers on the night mingling and bigging up the PTA. Got 14 of them signed up as volunteers." Lyndsey G
"We asked the school dinner service to do a menu tasting before hand and then put on a movie and treats for the kids and a quick after school club update. Last year we had one parent, this year we had about 15! No committee sign ups but lots of volunteers for now." Elizabeth N
"We have a newsletter and gave our picture, PTA role and our child's name/year as you become known as 'X's mum/dad' so this makes it easier for people to approach you at the school gates. We had 6 people come who are not committee members so it was a good turn out. We don't tag on any other events but promise tea/coffee and cakes/biscuits in abundance!!" Jade A
"We held ours a couple of weeks ago and we had a great turnout thanks to all existing members encouraging someone we knew to come along with us." Friends of Thornhill
"We have been posting "getting to know you" posts on Facebook about each member of the committee in the hope this will encourage people to join, and we have 2 parents now interested in finding out more about getting involved." Caron J
"We normally have an okay turn out - its mandatory for at least half the teachers to attend so we have about 10 staff and about 10-12 parents." Karen L
If you're still in need of some extra advice, read our brilliant blog on How to Bring In New Volunteers.
When, where and how long?
Can the time and place of your AGM affect how many people show up?
"Evenings as our whole committee work, but we are looking at whether a daytime meeting might engage more people..." Caron J
"That's my next idea, having it an hour before school pick up. The playground usually starts filling up about 30 minutes before the bell. I might try it for our next meeting!" Wendy K
"I think that could work if it was in the school or very near the school, as the amount of folk who turn up early to get a parking space to sit and wait maybe they could go to the meeting instead!!" Rosanna S

"We hold ours in school but are finding not many can attend, so looking at holding our next meeting at a wonderful PTA helpers home (hopefully she will become a fully fledged committee member!)" Jo A
"The AGM itself was probably 30 minutes at most but we got chatting about our first fundraisers so lasted over an hour. We usually hold it in school but would be open to having it elsewhere." Marie T
"Our AGM usually consists of the same group of parents as at normal meetings. We have tried different times and locations (the pub) but no extra interest." Friends of Manor
"We always have AGMs in school to make it easier for staff etc but we have our normal meetings in the local pub. Both seem to be okay. I am hoping for more of a turnout this year." Karen L
Any other business?
Here are some other top tips to ensure a successful AGM!
"Buy some sticky labels for your AGM for people to write their names on, particularly useful for new parents who don’t know the committee from the teaching staff!” Rachel R
"I see an AGM as the opportunity to wipe the slate clean - put events that didn't work last year to one side, and build on the ones that did to make them even better next time. And my top tip for PTA Chairs is - SMILE! Be as welcoming and inclusive as you can, so people continue to come along to meetings during the year." Natalie M

"I've sent out our first newsletter last week letting people know more about what we do and where the money goes. Fingers crossed for a good turn out at our upcoming AGM!" Joanne B
Huge thanks once more to our social media followers for their brilliant contributions to this #PTAhour - we loved chatting with you all!
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