If you're looking for some fun and creative ideas to raise money for your PTA, look no further! Outdoor winter events are a great way to get your community involved and support your school. With Covid cases on the rise again this winter, it’s important to plan events that will be safe for all. Outdoor events have a lower risk of being cancelled. Let’s face it, we don’t know when or how Covid guidelines will change so why not take advantage of the maximum air circulation that an outdoor event will provide. We’ve been keeping an eye on what other schools have been up to this winter.
Here are some of our favourites:
Winter Festival Market
Kelvindale Primary PTA asked the parents and local community to host a stall of their choosing on their street. Bringing together many different traditions. They then created a map of all of the stalls for families to tour around the neighbourhood and make purchases. All money raised given to the PTA in support of the school.
Carols by Candlelight
Oakfields Preparatory School hosted an outdoor carols concert. The pupils all held individual LED candles to light up the night sky while singing carols to the parents and community. Looked like an absolutely lovely event.
Cottingham C of E primary also hosted a covid-safe Carols by Candlelight event in which they emphasised the use of face coverings to make the event even more covid-safe.
Outdoor Film Night
Alta Murrieta School promoted a PTA Family Movie Night. Who wouldn’t love to bundle up with some hot cocoa and movie snacks to enjoy a Christmas film outdoors.
Villas Elementary had a fab Holiday Movie Night with not only a movie but also some great crafts, singing and more!
Various versions of Winter Wonderland
Conway Elementary had a blast at their outdoor Winter Wonderland. The Science station was definitely made to be outdoors. Hats off to the clean up crew :) Looks like fun!
Hewlett Elementary also hosted a Winter Wonderland featuring ice skating, snow machines and inflatable slides. What a treat!
Another great idea that was shared in our PlanSocial Q&A Facebook group was a magnificent ‘WINDOW Wonderland’!

Christmas Grotto
Downey House School got creative with this amazing transformation of an outdoor classroom into a Christmas Grotto. The smiles on the children’s faces says it all!
It looks like a lot of PTAs have been busy this winter. It’s refreshing to see the creative outdoor events that have taken place as an alternative to some of the indoor discos, Christmas gift shops and Christmas markets that we traditionally hold each year. Well done PTAs for keeping the holiday spirit alive throughout this pandemic. With a few more cold months ahead of us, what are some more unique outdoor events that you have planned this winter? We would love to share them with our PTA community.
About PlanSocial
PlanSocial curates resources and educational materials for school parents and their families, focusing on everything from educational support for your children, self-development and career re-entry, to home improvement, family well-being and even where to find the best family holidays.