For most of us, the School Summer Fair (or Summer Fayre, Summer Fete or even Fun Day) is one of the major events in the PTA calendar and one that we look forward to for many weeks ahead. No matter what you call it, advance planning can help to make your outdoor summer fair a big success so you may already be thinking of ideas for your event.
If your school grounds are extensive then you will be able to add many attractions to your outdoor summer fair and could even ask outside companies to get involved. For example, you might invite an ice cream van and hot food vendors.
Some PTAs arrange donkey rides for the children and split the proceeds with the donkey owner. Alternatively, have your own donkey derby with adults dressed in horse costumes and see who can pick the winning horse.
Even if your school grounds aren’t so large, you can still hold races at your outdoor summer fair, which can be scaled accordingly. Ideas include an obstacle course using benches, hoops, tubes to crawl through, climbing frames and other obstacles to bounce a ball in and out of or skip around.
Space Hopper races can also be as large or small as you like and these popular items are relatively inexpensive to buy on the Internet.
A fun attraction, which is easy to make is Cup Races. Just make a hole in the bottom of a brightly coloured plastic cup and thread a length of string through. Attach the string to a pole at each end so that the string is lying horizontally. If you set up two or more of these, children (and adults) can use water pistols to shoot the cups along the string and race each other. You can see what one looks like here.
More Games for your Outdoor Summer Fair
There are many other games that you can include in your School Summer Fair. Games involving throwing are usually popular including hoops around polls, balls against cans and bean bags into buckets. Having a brightly painted target will add to the attraction. Here is a great one that we discovered. (See our Outdoor PTA Fundraising Ideas Pinterest board for loads of inspiration.)
When it comes to throwing at targets, the poor old teacher is always a favourite. Providing you can find a few willing victims, and nobody objects, you could use a piece of hardboard with holes cut out for their heads. Then all you need are a few wet sponges!
Hardboard with cut out holes can also be used for a photo board. Paint animated characters onto the board; children can then pop their heads through the holes and be photographed as their alter ego.
Don’t forget to have plenty of goods for sale too. Cake stalls and plant stalls are always popular and they have the advantage of enabling you to get the children involved with the preparation beforehand. Plants such as nasturtiums and marigolds are quick and easy to grow, and this enables children to learn about nature whilst they are taking part.

You can ask for specific contributions ahead of time and track donations, as well as fill up your fair stall rotas with new volunteers.
Hopefully some of these ideas will help you to make your outdoor Summer Fair a fun day for all. As well as having a great time you’ll be able to raise lots of school funds, which will help to put a smile on everyone’s face.
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PlanSocial curates resources and educational materials for school parents and their families, focusing on everything from educational support for your children, self-development and career re-entry, to home improvement, family well-being and even where to find the best family holidays.