Are you struggling to put together sponsorship packages that will attract the right sponsors? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many PTAs find it difficult to get sponsors on board, but with the right approach you can be successful.
In this blog post, we'll share some simple tips on how to put together sponsorship packages that gets results and we even take care of the admin! So keep reading... this may well make your day.

What is a sponsorship package
Let’s start by covering what a sponsorship package is. Sponsorship packages are a great way for small (or larger) businesses to lend support to a deserving cause, while also getting their name out there to raise awareness about the products and services they offer.
You may be wondering what a typical sponsorship package contains. The bottom line is to focus on creating sponsorship packages that will benefit your sponsor - i.e. find attractive reasons for them to sponsor you (other than pure altruism!)
Although there are all sorts of possible combinations in a package, the key objective is to offer them some exposure to your highly desirable audience of school parents.
Some examples are:
- Logo placement
- Social media mentions
- Big banners at your events
- Mentions in PTA newsletters
- Business ad in school magazines
- Offering them a chance to display or sell their products at an event
- Announcing the sponsor’s name on a PA system at your event
How to find sponsors
Attracting sponsors may seem like a daunting task, but here are some pointers on finding the right sponsors for your event.
To look for potential sponsors, start by looking for parents in your school who are local business owners themselves. You can also search for businesses in your area on Google and social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Also check your local Chamber of Commerce for a list. And of course, there is the trusty method of walking up and down the high street with a big smile and a handy flyer. Estate agents are a good bet, and you may have some joy with loft conversion specialists, garden landscaping companies, family solicitors and financial advisors.
If their main customer based is local families, they’ll be excited to get some real-world exposure, and be the Good Guys, helping their local school. Besides, they won’t want much in return... heh heh.

Here’s some ideas from other PTAs that joined one of our Twitter #PTAhour chats where we discussed sponsorship.
"Local companies are best. We ask parents first if they have a company who would like to sponsor, then we target local companies." Natalie S-N
"We were very successful with sponsorship for our Christmas fayre. We are a small school of 110 in a tiny village which is quite affluent. We wrote to the local Porsche car centre which had recently opened, worded the letter well and managed to persuade them to donate amazing prizes for our fayres. They enjoyed being a part of sponsoring the local school.
We asked parents with businesses and local companies for £25 in exchange for their name on flyers & posters and their flyer in book bags, and a mention on our social media too. We had about 8 companies sign up! Also don't be afraid to be cheeky and approach construction companies who are a part of the considerate constructors scheme. We have had success with those in the past." Vikki W
Sponsorship package pricing
When putting together your packages you should offer different levels for businesses to choose from with easily understood titles such as Bronze, Silver and Gold. (Or something more original if you fancy it, as long as it’s obvious enough!)
The sponsorship amount you set will obviously vary by size of event, the demographic, etc. E.g. Larger schools mean a larger audience.
You’ll know best how to set your prices. The more attractive you can make the package, the more you can command. Remember that effective advertising can be quite expensive for businesses, so this is a great opportunity for them to get in front of a desirable audience, and could lead to some lucrative sales.
Put some feelers out before you set your prices, to gauge the reaction from businesses in your area. Start anywhere from £25, and in some cases you could command £1000+. Like we said, it really does vary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sponsorship package examples
See some examples below of different levels of PTA event sponsorship packages and what they could include. Be creative, and don’t limit yourself to online methods - think about how you can give them a shout out in real life too!
- Company logo feature on PTA website or your PlanSocial Hub event page
- Shout out on PTA Facebook page or Twitter
- Small Company logo in Yearbook
- 5 sponsor opportunities
- Company logo on PTA website or your PlanSocial Hub event page
- Shout out on PTA Facebook page
- Small Company logo in Yearbook
- Shout out on PTA Instagram
- Company logo in monthly newsletter, (over 2 months)
- Company banner (2.5x4) hung at PTA events. Banner provided by sponsor and approved by PTA and school
- 2 sponsor opportunities
- Company logo on your PTA website or your PlanSocial Hub event page
- Shout out on PTA Facebook page
- Company logo in Yearbook
- Shout out on PTA Instagram
- Large company logo in PTA newsletter (over 3 months)
- Company website link on PTA home page
- One In-person or Virtual PTA Event Sponsorship
- Shout out at live event over PA system
- Showcase their products at your event
- Company Banner (4x6) hung at PTA events. Banner provided by sponsor and approved by PTA and the School
- 1 sponsor opportunity
Ok the next step is to... Expose your Sponsors!
Ahem, well you know what we mean. Sponsorship packages are an easy way for companies in your area to support your cause while also getting exposure in return. It’s a win-win situation!
You’ll be surprised how many people will step forward when they see how you can promote their business. So when creating your packages, always think of the best ways to give them great exposure. This will in turn bring more sponsors out of the woodwork, looking for their own piece of the action!

How to set up PTA event sponsorship the easy way
It’s always a good idea to go on a charm offensive and pound the high street, visiting retailers, showing your pearly whites. However actually pulling the money can be painful. That’s we’ve made it super easy to do this bit in your PTA’s free PlanSocial Payment hub.
Set up your sponsorship packages online
Make sure you’ve connected your PTA bank account so you can get paid (we’ll help you create a new Stripe account if you need one, or connect your existing one.)
Create a new package, give it a name and price, and optionally limit the number of sponsors allowed. For example you may only want to allow 1 ‘Gold’ sponsor.

Add other packages with different prices, descriptions and limits. Three is generally good, but you can add more, or less. Up to you!

Add an irresistible reason for people to sponsor your PTA
This is where you tell your potential sponsors about your fantastic school, and what a pillar of the community they will be for lending their support.
You can also show off about how many people will be at the event, how many will receive your PTA newsletter, how many followers you have on social media etc. Plus what an influential and deep-pocketed crowd they are ;)
You can edit the message that sponsors see on your application page here:

Share the event sponsorship link with potential sponsors
Next, share the link with potential sponsors like local businesses on social media, by email.

Sponsors can then choose any available package, enter their contact details, company name and website...

Next the sponsor can enter their credit card details safely and put up the money! Ker-ching!

The super-clever thing is, if you are lucky enough to get multiple sponsors vying for a spot, you get to choose your faves from the list of sponsors pending approval.

Here’s how you approve a sponsor. We even message them automatically (you can edit the default message) to let them know if you’ve approved or (nicely) rejected them. If you approve them, their credit card is charged. If you don’t, it’s not! NOYCE.

To be fair to the sponsor, you’ll have to make a decision within 7 days, or we’ll politely decline on your behalf. Brilliant stuff, and such a time-saver. No more running yourself ragged chasing up payments, depositing checks and emailing individual businesses. You’re welcome. ;)
Now what are you waiting for? Start a free PlanSocial hub, create your event, add your tickets for sale, and add your exclusive sponsorship packages now! Work it baby.

PTAs who have successfully gained sponsorship
Here’s some examples that we’ve rounded up of PTAs giving mentions to their sponsors on Twitter! This might give you some ideas of the types of businesses who find valuing in sponsoring PTAs like yours.
The benefits of having a successful sponsorship campaign
The benefits of having a successful sponsorship campaign for PTA fundraisers are numerous. The most obvious one is financial support to your school, but it’s also a great way to connect with your local businesses and start collaborating.

PTA Sponsorship Opportunities - in short
To summarise, there are many different considerations when creating a sponsorship package. The best way to get started is by identifying your target audience and then crafting the right offer that will interest them.
Once you've identified who might be interested in sponsoring, find out where they're likely to spend their time online and search for potential partners there. Build a network of supporters who may want to help in future, rather than looking for a one-off sponsor.
When it comes down to what should go into a sponsorship package, we recommend including an overview of your school and your fundraising goals as well as any other pertinent information such as photos from past events with sponsors, testimonials about how much brands love working with you.
We hope these tips help guide you through this process so that soon enough every event has the perfect sponsor!

About PlanSocial
PlanSocial provides online payment and community hubs for schools and PTAs. Connect with potential sponsors, list events and volunteer opportunities, sell tickets and collect online donations, connect parents directly with others in their kids’ classes to build a strong community spirit. Create a hub for your school community in 2 minutes.
Drop our friendly lil’ team a line if you have any questions!